Engine | |
Engine: | Cummins ISF3.8E6154 |
Displacement: | 3.76L |
Maximum output power: | 115kW |
Maximum horsepower: | 154HP |
Emission Standards: | Euro III |
Fuel type: | Diesel |
Rated speed: | 2600rpm |
Gearbox | |
Gearbox: | 651B |
Number of gears: | 6 speed |
Chassis parameters | |
Chassis : | Foton |
Chassis model: | BJ5089XXY-A3 |
Track: | |
Number of tires: | 6 |
Tire specifications: | 7.50R16 |
Rear axle speed ratio: | 4.33 |
Basic parameters | |
Drive form: | 4×2 |
Wheelbase: | 3360mm |
Body size: | |
Total quality: | 8.275ton |
Upper structure parameters | |
Specfication of Tank | |
Container Capacity(m³) | 4 |
Filling Mouth Grand Clearance(mm) | 740 |
Filling Circulation Time(s) | 20-25 |
Precompressor Load Time(s) | 18-22 |
Precompressor Lifting Time(s) | 6-9 |
Max. Compression Strength(T) | 12 |
Max.Discharge Strength(T) | 8 |